IPhone 4G

IPhone 4G is on the first page again. Some customers complained about poor signal quality of the iPhone 4G. Apple has come to step out of the criticism against the signal problems of new mobile iPhone 4G and, on this occasion, pointed out that the low coverage is due to “an erroneous formula” applied to signal strength. In a statement, the company says the apple he was “amazed” by this discovery, which will attempt to resolve through the recommendations of the U.S. telecommunications company AT & T.

“Our formula, in many cases, it incorrectly shows two bars of power more than they should for a concrete signal of iPhone 4G. For example, sometimes shows four bars when it should display only two,” says Apple.Thus, the explanation that “great fall” sudden coverage because, according to this official version, to the bars indicating signal strength was “not real” in some cases. “Users who have observed a break of several bars of power to get his iPhone 4G in a certain way – to cover the lower left corner, where the antenna – they were probably in areas with low signal strength, but not detected because it incorrectly, showed four or five bars, “he said talkign about the iPhone 4G. However, the company said that if users are not “fully satisfied” with the new iPhone 4G device, they can return the damaged iPhone 4 at any Apple store, also in the on-line, and recover the payment if within 30 days after purchase.

A large number of users have already reported two weeks ago to hold the iPhone 4G with his hand and seal the bottom left corner disappeared coverage at times and was unable to receive phone calls. The supposed solution for iPhone 4G antenna problem was proposed by the Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs, just hold it differently or buy a case. These statements provoked the response of a ‘Club of lefties’ in the UK, expressed his disagreement with the policies of the company’s iPhone 4G, while it described the problem of “design flaw” and the suggestion to hold another way – very natural for lefties – as “ridiculous”. According to the Cupertino firm, their investigations on iPhone 4G have revealed that the cause for this loss of signal (and reduction of indicator bars) has been an error in the calculation to show them.

Interestingly, as Apple said the statement, these coverage problems also occur in earlier versions of the terminal: iPhone 1.0, 3G and 3G and now iPhone 4G, although it was not until the arrival of this fourth incarnation of the terminal when there have been complaints and the perception of misuse of the antenna.

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